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Twenty Fourth Night or What You Will


It was a peculiar night, the kind of night where stories come to life. Houses of ill repute and blinking streetlamps dimly illuminated the town. Leaving behind footprints on the snowy mud, a cloaked man walks...

A tavern stood, barely visible in the blizzard. The man walked in and slips in two pence to a least drunk man and asks. "Point me to the direction of one William Shakespeare." The man lazily pocketed the coin and pointed to a jovial man chatting animatedly to a bored and half-asleep barkeep. Taking a stool near him, the man ordered a whiskey. In his merry mood, William studied the man. "Haven't seen you here before?" William asks.

"Haven't been here before."

"Ha, a witty traveler, just what I needed."

William turned his chair to the man and extended his hand, chuckling drunkenly.

"The name's William Shakespeare."

The stranger made no move to shake Williams's hand. The rude yet witty stranger was getting more and more mysterious and intriguing. That much was clear from William's smile.

"I write plays to make a living, and you seem like a good character for one. Tell me your story. I will immortalize you." he said in benevolence.

The man put down his empty glass and moved to wave down the barkeep, but before he could, William jumped behind the bar, grabbed the top shelf bottle, and resumed his seat in a matter of seconds. With the new bottle concealed under the table, he talks in a hushed voice.

"This is the most expensive bottle here. If you give me your story, I will share this with you."

The stranger didn't even turn his head to look at the bottle. And just before the silence rotted. "The name is Hoby." He pulled back his hood to reveal a serious man with deep brown eyes, which to William, looked like a muddy puddle of melancholy. William excitedly refilled Hoby's glass with the dusty bottle and toped his own before putting it between his legs. "I used to serve a duchess. After her marriage, I left to find someone" the man poured down the glass into his mouth and swallowed with ease. "Oh come on, I didn't just give you a drink more pricy than my life to get such a small information" William spoke as if they were old friends. When he met silence, William took a sip of his glass and found the scotch to burn his lips.

"I've always admired my lady. Somewhere along the way, admiration grew into love. But I suppressed it. Then one day I got a letter by her hand confessing her love for me. My enthusiasm made me blind by love and the promise of all that comes with it. But it was just a harmless practical joke by her maid and uncle. They convinced my lady that I was mad and locked me in a cell with no light and almost convinced me that I was going mad, just for a giggle, of course. When I finally was released, she married someone she met hours before. Her uncle and maid also found a happily ever after, what a fabulous comedy. You are a playwright so you would know about comedies right. They always end in marriages and tragedies in death?" the stranger spoke without even turning his head. His eyes were swimming in the empty scotch glass. William lost all his buzz and sat paralyzed looking at the man. A strange sense of peculiarity washed over William. He took another sip of his glass, this time it didn't burn. Silence stood between the men like a specter of past and present.

The man stood up and walked towards the wash. He looked back to William, sitting frozen but the gears in his head-turning. Hoby beckoned a man sitting alone drinking cheap beer to the shadow of the corner and gave him a gold ring as payment and whispered something in his ear. As Hoby walked into the wash the man walked past William, slightly brushing him. And made a somewhat clumsy exit.

Hoby resumed his seat after a while, but William hadn't moved an inch. Hoby took the bottle, refilled William's glass, and emptied the bottle to his mouth before concealing his face again. "Anything else you want to know?" the man asked. William could only whisper a no with distant eyes as if looking through reality itself. The man hailed the barkeep for a refill.

 As the barkeep obliged, he spots the bottle on the table near William, and his jaw dropped. "You goddamned wanderer, you drank my most prized possession." The barkeep screamed, waking every single soul slumbering in the filthy corners of the tavern. "I knew you were a nutcase, your stupid stories about devils granting wishes. If you can't pay for the bottle, you are dead." The sound of impending conflict drew in people like a moth to fire. As the last spray of spit left the barkeep, a circle of men formed around William. Coming back to reality by the overwhelming anger of the barkeep and the smiling faces of the people around him, William spoke with a shaking voice.

 "I will give you all the money I carry, but the rest I can only pay after tomorrow. Don't worry. I am a famous playwright in London. I assure you I can pay you back."

Suddenly his face grew pale as he realized he didn't have his money purse with him. His nervous patting down made the situation clear for the barkeep.  The moment hung there for a moment before a fist connected with William's jaw. The barkeep then jumped over the bar and picked up William by his collar for another, but before he could, a strong hand stopped him. As he was turning back cursing, he met a fist that knocked the wind out of him. What followed can be described as a bloody and filthy bar fight, but that would be an oversimplification.

When the fight was over, everyone dusted themselves off except one man who still lay face down in the mud near the bar. As the men turned him over, they found him with a deep gash in his heart and a quill impaled in the wound.

Later that night. The hooded man walks in the blizzard through the mountains. Shedding his cloak, he looked up to the heavens and spoke as if to a lover, "My name is Malvolio Hoby, and I have killed my maker"

News of the murder in the tavern spread throughout London. It even reached the globe theatre. The news broke William Shakespeare's heart. His best friend and rival Kit Marlow has been killed in a bar fight.


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